
学院Engineering, 技术, 和建筑

Where Creativity Meets Career

The 学院 Engineering, 技术, 和建筑 (CETA) 是由培养远见者、架构师和技术专家的承诺驱动的吗. Whether you're fascinated by robotics, sustainable architecture, or innovative 技术 solutions, 我们的课程旨在激发你的创造力,点燃你的职业生涯.

CETA strives to help students problem-solve, 建立连接, 并发现必要的工具,在他们选择的领域脱颖而出. Our graduates are equipped with the knowledge, 技能, and confidence to tackle global challenges, 形成产业, and design the future.


We believe in learning by doing. Your education is more than classrooms and textbooks; it's about hands-on experiences and project-based learning. 我们的学生有机会进入最先进的实验室和工作室,为职业成功建立基础技能. From automation to advanced materials testing, 我们的学者提供了一个身临其境的环境,你可以探索, 实验, and unleash your potential.

Innovate the Future

作为一名工程师, 技术, or architecture student, you can work closely with distinguished faculty, industry professionals, 与企业合作伙伴共同推动创新,开展突破性研究. Through mentorship and guidance, 鼓励学生探索自己的激情,并为现实世界的挑战开发创新的解决方案.

Build Connections that Matter

准备好毕业时不仅要拿到学位,还要有一个广阔的行业网络. 我们与行业专业人士和企业合作伙伴的紧密联系弥合了学术界和专业领域之间的差距. 学生们经常通过实习与这些专家合作, networking opportunities, and industry-sponsored projects. 作为我们职业准备方法的一部分,学生可以与行业专家一起开始他们的职业生涯.

Explore Our Immersive Labs & 工作室

在CETA,您将从第一天起就参与沉浸式学习,实验室工作和合作项目. 我们的教室拥有最新的技术和设备, 让您解决现实世界的情况,并获得实用技能,以推动行业的进步. 探索我们下面的设施,看看我们的学生在哪里将概念转化为创作.

From Student to Business Owner

Devanney Do '98


For Devanney Do ’98, 在经历了从越南来到美国的痛苦旅程后,立博体育官网宁静而风景如画的校园不仅是一片平静的绿洲, but also a beacon of hope and optimism.

“我最终选择了工程专业,因为我的语言能力不是很好,但我的数学能力很好,” Dev says with understated modesty.

When she left the University, she joined 技术 giant Pratt & Whitney as a quality supervisor and material engineer. 最近, she decided to explore one of her other interests, 半永久性化妆,并在雅芳开了一家沙龙和培训机构, 康涅狄格, called Chic Spa Microblading Academy.

Read Devanney's Success Story

Real-World Application


Mechanical Engineering, Acoustics Concentration

摩根·亨特,25岁, a mechanical engineering major with an acoustics concentration 辅修数学, 在弗雷德里克的凤凰噪声与振动(PNV)完成了暑期实习, 马里兰. 在他们的角色中, 他们在办公室跟随工程师,并在现场获得了有影响力的实践经验.

在回忆他们作为声学专业学生的经历时,亨特解释说. Bob Celmer和Dr. 克里斯托弗·亚辛斯基在亨特的学业成功中扮演了不可或缺的角色.

“声学课程为我在现场工作做好了充分的准备, I have been able to narrow down my interests, 准备简历, and get experience" they added.

Our 职业生涯做好准备 Focus

Stepping into Leadership

Emmanuel Diaz Suriel '23

Electromechanical Engineering 技术

Emmanuel "Manny" Diaz Suriel ’23 is an electromechanical engineering 技术 对校园参与和学生融合有热情的学生. He has enjoyed creating and building since he was a child.

“当我还小的时候,我总是喜欢把东西拆开,让它们变得更好. I built my first computer at 10 years old, and I fell in love with it, and I am studying to be an engineer because of that,他分享道. 

While pursuing his degree, 苏里尔发现,参与校园活动和学习一样重要. 他的大学经历平衡了俱乐部活动、实习机会和行业网络. 目前, Suriel is a Red Cap, a student mentor at the Center for Student Success, an athlete on the Track and Field team, 美国国家生物医学工程师学会(NSBE)财务主管, 并担任西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生CETA的副主席.

Explore CETA 俱乐部 & 组织

Building a 社区 and Career

CETA's 研究生 Degrees

Master of Architecture

康涅狄格州西港儿童专科护理中心的发展, 康涅狄格, was led by three University of Hartford alumni: Melissa (Nolan) Anthony, AIA, M’15, project manager and space planner for 康涅狄格 Children’s; Nicholas Fucci ’14, M’16, project manager at Phase Zero Design; and Michaela Catallozzi ’11, project manager at C.E. Floyd Company, PBC. 

在一起, with a talented team of architects, 工程师, 设计师, 和承包商, they brought this one-of-a-kind space to life, transporting young patients from drab, 过去的无菌医疗空间变成了引人入胜的体验式护理套房.

“这个项目是一个机会,汇集了他们领域中最好的人,向韦斯特波特社区展示了一个最终产品,不仅仅是看起来和感觉更好, 而是一个更有目的性和效率的空间,提高了护理的水平和水平,安东尼说。. “最终, 正是我们对成功的共同愿景,使我们能够履行这一承诺,创造出我们都引以为傲的东西.” 

Discover Our 研究生 Programs

Spring 2023 CETA Design Expo

The 学院 Engineering, 技术, 和建筑(CETA)设计博览会是每学期末两年一次的活动, featuring innovative student projects and presentations. 一年级学生在秋季第一学期结束后出席, 二年级学生在二年级结束的春天出席, 高年级学生在春季或秋季展示他们的顶点设计项目.



发现UHart在建筑管理和技术方面的新本科课程! 本课程旨在培养学生满足建筑行业入门级管理职位日益增长的预期需求.

Read about the Construction Management + 技术 Program

Professor Studying CT Bridges with AI and $238K DOT Grant

克拉拉方, professor of civil engineering in UHart’s 学院 Engineering, 技术, 和建筑, 收到238美元,作为该项目的首席调查员,他获得了康涅狄格州交通部和联邦公路管理局提供的5000万研究经费, which is spanning two years.


Walter Harrison Award Winner

建筑学硕士论文发表会在周五举行, 4月14日, 建筑系很高兴地宣布,Vivek Parekh是2023年沃尔特·哈里森论文奖的获得者.

See the Winning Project

访问 our state-of-the-art labs and studios!

CETA提供了许多实验室和工作室,以鼓励基于项目的学习. The Hursey中心 is our newest 60,000-square-foot academic building in the academic quad, 住房新, 专业, and 技术-rich facilities for our growing programs.

Explore the Hursey中心

鼓舞人心的变化. Impacting tomorrow.